What is TradingView?

TradingView is a free platform that allows users to view financial charts and find investment opportunities in various markets like stocks, foreign exchange, cryptocurrencies, futures, and commodities. It provides various tools for identifying these opportunities. Users can link their broker accounts to TradingView and make trades directly from the platform. This allows them to seize opportunities quickly as they emerge in real time on their charts.

This is an excellent site where we host our AI-signals indicator and tools. To use them, you can start by creating a free account on TradingView. Then, sign up on our website (AI-SIGNALS.COM) and immediately gain access to our indicator, which you can find in your indicators folder.

How To Create A TradingView Account

To make a TradingView account, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the TradingView website.

  2. Click "Sign in", found at the top right corner.

  3. In the window that opens, select "Sign up" at the bottom.

  4. Choose to sign up either with your social media profiles or your email address.

TradingView Charts

How To Open A Chart On TradingView

When you're logged in to TradingView, you can open a chart simply by clicking 'Chart' on the top left corner of the website.

How To Change a Symbol

Click the top left area that shows the current chart symbol to change it.

When you press it, you can look up certain symbols. You also have the option to sort symbols by markets or exchange.

Change Chart Timeframe

The timeframe decides how often a new candle appears on the chart. If you want to change your chart's timeframe, just click the part next to the ticker name and choose the timeframe you want.

Add simple Indicators To Your Chart

Simply tap the "Indicators" button on the chart's top. A menu will pop up. In that menu, look for the indicator you want and tap on it to include it in the chart.

Last updated