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Last updated
Choose Asset and Time Frame:
Select your preferred asset and time frame on the TradingView chart. The alerts will be tied to this specific setup.
Open AI Signals V3 Settings:
Go to the AI Signals V3 indicator settings on your chart.
Scroll down to find the Alert section at the bottom.
Select Alerts:
Choose from the available alerts (e.g., Default Bullish/Bearish, Contrarian, Reversal, Trend Mode).
Ensure that the selected signal modes are enabled at the top of the settings.
Optionally, enable alerts for AI Take Profit signals.
For Indicator Overlays (e.g., Trend Tracer, TD Cloud, Halo Trend), check the corresponding boxes for the alerts you want.
Activate Alerts:
Click on the Alert icon at the top of your TradingView chart.
In the Conditions menu, select AI Signals V3 (or Orderflow Toolkit for the Orderflow alerts).
Choose the "Any alert() function call" option to cover all selected conditions.
Create the Alert:
Click Create at the bottom of the alert settings window.
You will now receive alerts based on the conditions you’ve set. This helps you stay informed without needing to monitor the screen constantly.